The goal of this day is to see as many people as possible from our Gaylord Campus become involved in at least one aspect of praying for our community. There will be three elements to our day  Corporate Prayer Times; Online Prayer Times; and Individual Prayer Times that you can participate in as your schedule allows.


Corporate/Online Prayers: The Corporate Prayer Times will be IN PERSON for people to come to the location IN PERSON. The Online Prayer Times will be led by Pastor Scott VIA FACEBOOK LIVE for people to participate in online. Together, there will be a prayer time at the top of every hour from 6am through 6pm, each with a different emphasis.

6:00am – Corporate Prayer: Church Chapel

(dedicating the Prayer day and Impact Week to the Lord)


7:00am – Online Prayer: Sheriff’s Office

(Focus: Law Enforcement)


8:00am – Corporate Prayer: Courthouse Fountain

(Focus: Political/Judicial Leaders)


9:00am – Online Prayer: MediLodge

(Focus: Nursing/Retirement Home Workers and Residents)


10:00am – Corporate Prayer: Hospital

(Focus: Hospital Workers)


11:00am – Online Prayer: Veteran’s Memorial

(Focus: Veterans)


12:00pm - Corporate Prayer: Emergency Management Building

(Focus EMT’s/Fire Fighters)


1:00pm – Online Prayer: Grace Baptist Church

(Focus: Churches and Pastors)


2:00pm – Corporate Prayer: Hobby Lobby Parking Lot

(Focus: Tornado Victims)


3:00pm – Online Prayer: United Way

(Focus: Those in Need)


4:00pm – Corporate Prayer: High School Football Field Parking Lot (Focus Faculty/Staff/Students)


5:00pm – Online Prayer: Funeral Home or Cemetery

(Focus: Those who are Grieving)


6:00pm – Corporate Prayer: Church Chapel

(Focus: Harvest Festival and Those Who are Lost)


On your own, you can choose to do prayer walks; prayer drives or just pray in your home.

Prayer Walks

Take a walk around your neighborhood and as you walk pray for those who live in each home you pass; Take a walk around the closest school to you and as you walk pray for the faculty, staff, students and parents represented by that school; Take a walk around the downtown area and as you walk pray for those who own, work and shop or dine in each establishment that you pass.


Prayer Drives

Drive by or into the parking lot of all the First Responder Locations in our area (Sheriff; City Police; State Police; Fire Station; EMT Headquarters) and as you do pray for the first responders and the families of those represented in each building.


Another prayer drive idea is to drive by or into the parking lot of all the schools in our area (South Maple Elementary; North Ohio Elementary; Intermediate School; Middle School; High School; St Mary’s; OCS) and as you do pray for the faculty, staff, students and parents represented by each building.


In Home Prayers

Spend time using the above prayer request to pray for the following in our community: First Responders; Political/Judicial Leaders; Medical Workers; Veterans; Churches/Pastors; Tornado Victims; People in Need; People who are Grieving; and Spiritually Lost People.


  1. 1. Pray for the safety and health of all those in the sphere of influence
  2. 2. Pray for the marriages and family relationship of all those in your sphere of influence
  3. 3. Pray for God to meet the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of all those in your sphere of influence
  4. 4. Pray for the salvation of all those in your sphere of influence who do not know Jesus
  5. 5. Pray for the spiritual growth of all those in your sphere of influence who do know Jesus
  6. 6. Pray for wisdom in decision making for all those in your sphere of influence
  7. 7. Pray that God would use E-Free Church to serve and impact all those in your sphere of influence